Our Story
We are a group of volunteers throughout the country who all love Bichons and are devoted to the breed. Some of us have experience in the show ring, others are active in breed clubs, animal shelters or rescue groups. As a collegial and caring team, we ae able to pool our diverse skill sets to the care and rehoming of the Pups we rescue. Over the years, we have successfully placed hundreds of abandoned or needy Bichons in loving forever homes.
What We Do
Once a Bichon is surrendered to our group, a foster takes the Bichon into their loving home. Fosters get to know the dog, observe any behavioral issues and assess its suitability for rehoming. The Bichon is fully vetted, tested for heartworm, microchipped and vaccinated. Pressing medical problems are addressed. All but young puppies are spayed or neutered. Then the hard work of finding the new perfect home for the Pup begins. We review the pool of active applications and former adopters. Fosters interview prospective adopters and conduct home inspections. Once the right home is found, adoption papers are finalized and the Fluff is on the way to a new life. The foster stays in touch with the adopter to answer any questions that arise.
Behind the Scenes
It truly takes a village to help these wonderful pups. Some volunteers agree to transport our rescues to fosters or to medical appointments. Others organize and run our main annual fundraising event, the Bichon Bash, while others work hard behind the scenes to keep our web site and Facebook page current. A team answers on-line and telephone inquiries and one wonderful member crafts beautiful blankets for adoptees.